How do animal communicators know what an animal is saying? (Can animals really speak English?)

I’ve been an animal intuitive for so long that I’ve forgotten what I must have thought that a psychic person experienced during a session. In truth animal communication is remarkably similar to a conversation between two people: there’s the use of a shared language (in the case of this blog post it’s written English language) and there are all sorts of hints from tone of voice, posture and body language that we subconsciously watch for. Where I put commas, the tone of the words I choose, the context all give you hints about how to interpret the words you’re reading on the screen - unlike for me, who is having to guess how you’re feeling as you read this as I’m getting no feedback at all!

In an animal communication the shared language isn’t English, it’s a 6th sense. A language without words and grammar, it relies on intention to share information. I think of it a bit like the encryption of an electronic message like an email. Forgive me if your computer science is better than mine, but here’s my understanding of how an email gets from your computer to mine: you may write it in English, but when you press send it flies through the air as invisible “bytes” of data, all 0s and 1s, and is encrypted - jumbled up into “stuff” that you and I definitely wouldn’t understand until it’s received at it’s intended destination and translated, turned back into a perfectly understandable invite to look at a cute cat pic. The 6th sense of animal communication is the encrypted bytes of data flying around - our job is to learn how to receive and decrypt it. It’s why it doesn’t matter to me if a horse has always had owners who speak Spanish to him, and why I don’t believe English-dwelling animals understand the English language eloquently enough to communicate in sentences to me - they don’t have to, they just have to have an intention to share information with me, and my brain has to do the decoding to make it into a shape that fits into something that I can share with their owner.

I remember having a cat describe where they were to me. I saw a building, and to skip to the end of the story, the next day the cat’s person sent me a photo of their neighbour’s house and we agreed that it was that building that I had described. The building I pictured in my mind’s eye wasn’t identical, but my mind had constructed an image for me to see that was the best it could do interpreting the 6th sense information I received. I could tell that it was a brick building, domestic not commercial, and a single storey. What caught my eye was the white barge boards, window and door frames - there seemed a lot of white on this building somehow. The building that I was sent a photograph of fit the description I had given of it - it was a single storey house made from brickwork. The whole house was painted white, which accounts for the emphasis I felt I needed to put on the amount of white on the building. I’m guessing that if I’d have seen an entirely white bungalow I would have missed the fact that it was brick and assumed that it was rendered, which might have sent the owner on a erroneous course.

The ability of my mind to translate the unspoken language of intuitive animal communication is how I receive pictures, words, bodily sensations and even voices.

Are you ready to learn the language of all animals? Use the contact me link and let me know, I’ll let you be the first to know when I launch my course!


Case Study: Cocoa


What’s it like being a professional animal communicator?