Mares and foals in a field

Here’s a handy list of everything I offer

The 8 essential skills for intuitive animal communication

  • A free guide to the skills you’ll need to work on in order to be able to communicate intuitively with animals

  • It’s completely free!

Unbridle the magic

10 ways to deepen your connection with your horse

  • Do you want a closer, more intuitive relationship with your horse? Grab this free guide for 10 ideas for how to deepen the connection with your horse in just 10 minutes a day.

  • It’s completely free!

Soft Hands Light Mind

How to avoid making your horse carry your emotional baggage

  • A short and sweet training to help you to deepen your relationship with your horse and avoid the common emotional baggage pitfalls most riders fall into — starting today!

  • It’s £9. How many 45 minute riding lessons do you get change from a tenner from, along with lifetime access?!

Book an appointment with me

Private animal communication sessions on Zoom or over the phone

Book me for a talk, workshop or as a podcast guest

I’m happy to consider all requests for online guest appearances. In-person events will depend on distance from Norfolk, UK.

As featured in