Animal Communication to work out what’s wrong when an animal is in distress

My little dog was injured last week. I don’t have a clue how it happened - she was fine on a walk at 9pm, then by 10pm she couldn’t jump onto the sofa, but otherwise fine and happy in herself. The next morning she was shivering in pain and I was I was frantically calling around for an emergency vet appointment. As with when she’d gone lame previously, she didn’t react at all to tentative then firmer palpations, poking and prodding to try to work out where it hurt - she can mask VERY well - but my firm touch resulted in more violent shivering and shaking afterwards, as if I’d made the pain worse. It was pretty horrendous to witness my best friend in such a state, and the few hours wait for an emergency vet appointment really didn’t help.

My initial attempts at communicating intuitively with her didn’t really get me anywhere. Animals who are in distress or pain can understandably be uncommunicative, and I was distressed to see my little buddy suffering, and that’s not a good starting point for for intuitive communication, either.

Having failed to communicate directly with her, and having nothing to lose while waiting for the emergency appointment to roll around, I had a go at intuiting what was wrong without using direct animal communication. I’ll have a go at explaining it here; I asked a higher power (spirit guides, angels, God, the Universe, any benevolent being who could help) to help me to work out where it hurt. I did a body scan of her, which is a type of meditation where you visualise seeing inside the different parts of a (normally your own) body, as if you were viewing with X-ray eyes, or a photocopier. I “saw” that it was her hip joint - it appeared red to me in my mind’s eye, and in this instance I associated the colour with swelling and pain. The vet found slight pain and stiffness in the same area, and I’m pleased to report that after a week of rest and NSAIDS she she recovered well.

I’m sharing this because sometimes we have to use methods outside of our regular ones for animal communications, and sometimes even then it just isn’t going to work, for reasons you may be aware of or not. That’s one reason why it’s one tool of many when it comes to helping our animal friends - the others in this instance being the obvious emergency vet visit and treatment. Whilst I would like to know exactly what happened and exactly where it hurts in exactly what way, what I needed was an expert’s attention, suitable treatment and advice.

I’ll be teaching how to add intuitive communication to your toolkit soon. If this is of interest to you, you might like to download my free guide to the skills you need to develop in order to communicate with animals.


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