Extra terrestrial spooks!

Lovely Lito. I’ve worked with him several times before over many years and I’ve witnessed him grow from a gangly youngster unsure of his place in the herd into the most wonderful calm self-assured leader. A chap that anybody would be proud to call their own. His person booked a check-in with me to see if I could help her to work out what had happened to him in an incident recently. It definitely felt to me as if he had been hurt, and I’ve asked for him to have a check over by a qualified body worker. He seemed to me to have gone through something - a metal 5 bar gate maybe, or a fence, I couldn’t get that bit 100% clear, but something had really spooked him and he had tried to run away. As for what spooked him, that was the spookiest thing of all. It felt like an enormous explosion or shockwave to me, the kind that you’d associate with a bomb detonating! Which was pretty confusing, since I was fairly sure it was peace time where he lives. His owner thought what I was saying made sense and just wanted to check - any wild animals that had spooked him? No, just this loud bang.

It turns out that Lito had been in a temporary metal coral on an away trip, and the coral had entirely fallen apart as he spooked. It was the middle of the night so no humans had witnessed what had happened and they wondered if it a wild predator had spooked him. The other possible explanation seemed the most likely to me - there was a rocket testing facility not far from where he had been staying - as in spacecraft type rockets - and they keep their testing schedule confidential. It’s possible that they were testing something that produced a weird bang or shockwaves that felt totally alien to Lito - enough to spook him badly, but whose shockwaves didn’t make it into the house where his human was sleeping. We will never know for sure but the jigsaw puzzle pieces seem to be pointing to something unusual happening at the testing facility that night. Happily Lito will be just fine, and it hasn’t stopped him from being keep to go on adventures!


Animal Communication to work out what’s wrong when an animal is in distress