Connecting with animals in spirit

I’ll be honest, I’m a bit worried that I’m going to put you off me with this blog post. All this time I’m here being the most down to earth animal communicator you’re ever going to meet, I’m determined to be able to share the secrets of animal communication in easy to understand language that everybody can use shared understanding from their life to follow along with... and now I’m telling you that I talk to animals who aren’t alive any more! I make no apologies, it’s true; I really do feel that animals who have died in their physical form, live on in the spirit world, and that they can communicate with us.

Believing that animals live on after their bodies die isn’t objective - it’s a very subjective belief, and it touches on spirituality. Talking to animals in spirit sounds a little more out there than communicating with an embodied animal who is chatting about wanting their fleece bed back (fear not, Peanut the rat’s human had only taken it to wash, and she was getting it right back as soon as it was clean and dry!). The truth is that in my experience chatting with an animal who is no longer in the living world as we know it is remarkably similar to communicating with an animal who is living. They describe the same shared experiences that their humans can recognise, they answer their human’s questions, and they tell their human anything that they feel they didn’t manage to get across while they were living. For all intents and purposes, it’s like they’ve just popped upstairs (as my much loved Reiki teacher described it). It’s why I like the term “passed over” because I think it describes it well.

There are differences. Animals who have passed over aren’t in pain, and any distress or suffering around illness or the circumstances of their death very quickly melts away. The biggest thing is that love is never far away for them. They feel absolutely enveloped in it, which is what makes me believe that we all come from love and return to love.

I’m often asked to connect with an animal who has passed over, to make sure that they have successfully made the change into spirit and that they aren’t trapped in the process. It’s incredibly rare in my experience that animals need any spiritual help to fully move into the spirit world, but animal communicators and healers can help them if they need it.

Sometimes people want to connect with their animals who have passed over because they feel it will help them with their grief. I worked with a lovely Persian cat who had passed over, whose owner was missing him dreadfully. He described himself and his person going for trips to sandy places, and all the while he was showing me him looking through a window - I thought maybe they had been on trips to a holiday villa on the beach or something, but his owner laughed and said that she used to take him for walks around the block in a special buggy for cats - he really was going on journeys seeing sandy soil through a window! It was clearly a memory that he held very fondly and it was touching for his person to be sure that he had enjoyed the experience as much as she had.

There is so much more to say on animals who have passed into spirit - they may choose to move on to other things quickly, or they may choose to hang around to help, guide or protect those they knew who were still living. Sometimes we feel them jump up on the bed, catch a glimpse of them out of the corner of our eye or catch their scent on the breeze for a moment. It can be tempting to chase these experiences but please don’t - it’s rare, and not experiencing it doesn’t mean that your animal isn’t watching over you, close by, or hasn’t successfully passed over. Much better is to think of them with love and fondness in your heart, because the connection whether they are alive or have passed over is always, always through pure love.

Do you want to develop the skills needed to be able to communicate with animals past and present? I’ve put together a guide to the 8 essential skills you’ll need to develop, and you can get it for free here


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