Seeing auras with Afina

Today I want to share the incredible insights that I got from communication with a dog who I have worked with multiple times before. There is always new stuff to discover and I want to share with you something fascinating that emerged from one communication with this much loved pet and trainee service dog in particular.

Afina and her human mum feel like an old friends to me these days; I’ve worked with them a number of times. Through our conversation, it became clear that Afina is not only highly perceptive but also deeply connected to the emotional energy around her.

Afina is able to sense people's emotions. Just like humans who can pick up on subtle cues or vibes from others, Afina showed me that she sees people’s emotions as colours around them: aka she is seeing their auras. Other dogs have told me about being able to smell if another dog is a rescue, or are closely in tune with their humans’ emotions, but this is the first time a dog has shown me that they actually see auras.

She described not only colours but also the shapes of some of the auras that she sees. Certain individuals emit what she perceives as spiky or chaotic energy – this kind of energy makes her uncomfortable and hesitant to be around those people. It served as an important reminder to her human and I for us all to be mindful of our own emotional states when interacting with animals because they are incredibly sensitive beings.

To help her I recommended some grounding exercises that her human could use on her, as well as on herself.

If you'd like learn to be able to understand the images that your pet sends to you, check out my free guide to the skills you’ll need to develop here.


Connecting with animals in spirit


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