The aquatic enthusiast, chicken playing, adventure-loving king: Amadeus’ story

As an animal communicator I get to hear so many animal’s stories. Last year I had the pleasure of connecting with a horse named Amadeus. Through our conversation, I gained valuable insights into his personality, preferences, and what I shall lovingly call his “self-employed hobbies”! Today I want to share with you some of the highlights from that session.


Connecting with Amadeus was easy. He exuded calm, and was happy to greet me. He is showed me that he is the type of horse who enjoys leisurely strolls on the buckle end of the reins, while quietly observing the world around him. His laid-back nature allows him to take in his surroundings without being easily startled: all very calm and grounded. Which was why I wasn’t expecting what he told me next: Amadeus sees himself as a king! Not one to dominate and rule the roost in behavioural terms, but he definitely believed that the activities of the people in his life revolved around him – I get the impression that they feel the same way too 😉.


I love it when an animal shows me a specific quirk of theirs that their owner knows about or secretly suspects, and Amadeus had a brilliant one! He showed me images of him playing with and manipulating water flow as if turning on a tap, playing with a flowing hosepipe, or opening some kind of water source at his old stable. This confirmed what his owners had suspected about him mischievously causing the flooded stable they found him in one day! He still absolutely loves to play with any sort of water supply.


When it comes to training, Amadeus considered himself clever, but wasn’t one to show it. He shared that he prefers brain puzzles and challenges that make him think rather than repetitive tasks. Trail rides and new scenery were high up on his list of favourite things to do, with “fancy footwork” or high speed manoeuvres featuring on the “don’t really like” list. His humans weren’t surprised at this news, he’d made his feelings about dressage and roping clear to them for some time!


As for his present state of happiness and contentment, Amadeus assured us that he feels peaceful and fulfilled where he currently resides. His fascination with chickens adds an entertaining element to his daily routine despite not forming close emotional bonds with other horses within the herd.


I thoroughly enjoyed spending time connecting with Amadeus and it was joyful to see his people smile, laugh and nod along to so much of what he was saying – they are clearly already very in tune with one another.


If you are intrigued about learning how to communicate with animals like I do, I've put together a free guide, grab it here.



My healing journey with Gorse


When you learn to listen to animals, mother nature answers in all her forms!