When you learn to listen to animals, mother nature answers in all her forms!

Here’s a cool side effect of learning to be present with your animals. When you get on that wavelength, mother nature starts showing up more in your life. Blossom from trees feels like a comforter, and the snowdrops and daffodils seem to pop into your awareness with an almost audible Hel1o! Little creatures and birds seem to greet you as they scuttle or fly past, and all of a sudden muddy walks are filled with footprints from deer, rabbits and birds. You’ll feel your energy levels rising in the spring like sap rises in the trees, and feel the call to hunker down in the winter. You’ll be more aware of other cycles in life, like the moon, where you are in the cycle of your life, and if you’re a woman who menstruates, you could find yourself with an unexpected new interest in how where you are in your cycle affects your energy levels and creativity. You start to crave being able to live in sympathy with the cycles of nature, and with nature in general. You develop an interest in plant medicines, and if like me you already loved crystal medicine, you find them even more buzzy.

I think those things are pretty cool side-effects.

I’m going to be leading a free workshop soon on how to be present and mindful with your pets. If you' don’t want to miss it, drop me a message HERE and I’ll let you know when it’s on.

Want to know the 8 essential steps for learning how to be a pet psychic? I've put together a free guide, grab it right here!


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